Base shelf drawer

200,00  + KM
Dimensions: 1200x890 mm More information: - You can pull 70% out. - Load capacity 700 kg. - Designed for EUR vessels. - The easy-to-move base axle makes it convenient to store and stack goods. In addition, it saves storage space, as it does not require as much manoeuvring space between shelves in the height direction.

Cupboard MY-SC 1850x900x500 mm, grey

Original price was: 270,00 €.Current price is: 220,00 €. + KM
  • Stable steel sheet cabinet
More information:
  • dimensions: 1850x900x500 mm
  • collapsible
  • door with locking system
  • 4 height adjustable shelves
  • powder coated dark grey/light grey
  • delivered in parts

Wardrobe MY-L3, dark grey/light, 1850x900x450 mm, solid construction

Original price was: 265,00 €.Current price is: 215,00 €. + KM
  • Cabinet dimensions H x L x W (mm) 1850 x 900 x 450 mm.
  • Cabinet body colour is dark grey
  • Cabinet doors are light grey in colour
  • Cabinet body is collapsible, reinforcements are spot welded and powder coated.
  • Ventilation openings at the bottom and at the top and bottom of the doors.
  • Cabinet doors are equipped with reinforcement strips and nameplate holders.
  • Each wardrobe has a hat rack and a coat hook, a mirror.
  • Cylinder locks as standard, with two keys on each lock.
  • Tarne: Monteeritud

Töölaud 1600×700 mm riiuliboksi ja metallkattega

220,00  + KM
Töökoha paremaks korraldamiseks tootmises, ladudes ja mujal. Laual on palju erinevaid variatsioone, mõõte, tööpinna materjale ja lisaosasid. Kombineeri oma vajadustele vastavalt! Töölaud 1600x700 mm riiuliboks, metallkatte ja tagaosaga Lisainfo: - pikkus 1600 mm - laius 700 mm - kõrgus  866 mm - lauaplaadi  paksus 24mm - metallkate 1,2mm - kandvus 750 kg kui raskus jaotub - riiuliboks võtmega - toote kaal 64 kg Professionaalne laud töökotta ! Leia ka lisaosad sellele lauale. (tagaosa). Töölaua saab varustada sobiva suurusega perforeeritud ekraaniga, LED-valgusti ja tööriista hoidjatega. Pulbervärvitud. Tarnitakse lahtivõetult ! Küsi julgelt lisa!  

Töölaud 1600×700 mm sahtliboksiga

338,00  + KM
Töökoha paremaks korraldamiseks tootmises, ladudes ja mujal. Laual on palju erinevaid variatsioone, mõõte, tööpinna materjale ja lisaosasid. Kombineeri oma vajadustele vastavalt! Töölaud 1600x700 mm sahtliboksiga RAL7038/RAL5002 Lisainfo: - pikkus 1600 mm - laius 700 mm - kõrgus  866 mm - lauaplaadi  paksus 24mm - metallkate 1,2mm - kandvus 750 kg kui raskus jaotub - toote kaal 80 kg Professionaalne laud töökotta ! Koheselt komplektne !   Pulbervärvitud. Tarnitakse lahtivõetult ! Küsi julgelt lisa!

Korruslao põrandamaterjal

0,01  + KM
  Karkassi on võimalik katta erinevat tüüpi põrandamaterjalidega.
  • Täismetallpõrand (valgus ei paista läbi, tolm/puru ei kuku alla)
  • Restpõrand erineva silmasuurusega (valgus paistab läbi, samas kukub ka tolm alla, lambid on ikkagi vajalikud, suure silmaga restil kontsadega ei käi)
  • Filmivineeer, veekindel, parim variant pealt kare, alt sile 24 mm
  • Naaturaalne saepuruplaat 38 mm, pealt looduslik, alt värvitud valgeks, saadaval erinevas kvaliteediastmes, ei ole veekindel, sobib roklaga töötamiseks
  • Naturaalset saepuruplaati on võimalik katta erinevate PVC katetega.
Tee ennast targemaks meie blogis siit.

Aluseriiuli sahtel põrandale

250,00  + KM
Mõõtmed: 1200x890 mm Lisainfo: - Saab 70% välja tõmmata. - Kandevõime 700 kg. - Mõeldud EUR-alustele. - Kergesti liikuv alusesahtel teeb mugavaks kaupade ladustamise ja komplekteerisime. Lisaks säästab laopinda, kuna riiulite vahel ei vaja ta kõrgusesuunas nii palju manööverdamisruumi.

Get a quote now to take your warehouse management to the next level!

<strong>COMPLETE SOLUTIONS</strong>

Our work starts with identifying the customer’s problem, then creating the best solution and continuing with after-sales service.


We can quote within one day, we are always available and we can install shelving quickly.


We offer distinctive and specific solutions without the need to seek permission and advice from anyone else.


We make sure that our shelves are always stocked with spare parts. That way, we’ll always keep your warehouse tidy.

Trade in small and basic goods

Manufacture of basic commodities

Special solutions and more

Warehouses are one of the most important parts of the warehouse infrastructure!

Storage shelves can be divided into base shelves, cantilever shelves, small goods shelves and fine goods shelves.

The base shelves are used for storing goods that are generally on wooden shelves and are at least 1200mm deep. Console shelving (also called straw shelving) is used when storing goods which are cumbersome to fit into the base shelf because of their length, or which do not fit. Typically, cantilever racks are used to store wood, pipes, metal laths, etc. and also larger plates.

Small goods shelves can accommodate products and materials between 300mm and 800mm deep. This includes goods that are stored and assembled by the piece, box, crate or, for example, by the tyre. The flatness of small storage shelves can be created by using lattice surfaces or plates of different materials.

The small goods box is intended, as the name suggests, for products that are packed in units, such as a single sales package. Fine goods shelves are used in trade, production and also in garages, storage rooms. When installing a high-quality fine goods storage rack, it is possible to position the racks so that they are ready to move to a higher level, i.e. to build a floor storage.

When installing a high quality fine goods storage rack, it is possible to position the racks in such a way that, if necessary, it is possible to move the rack to a higher level, i.e. to build a storey warehouse.

Corridor warehouses can also be built to rest on poles.

The brands we represent:

Global Racking
intra_se laomeister
kongamet laomeister
kortsystem laomeister
stow laomeister

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